Jul 31, 2018
This week, friend of the show and entrepreneurial juggernaut Terry Moshenberg drops by the studio for his second kick at the NSTS can with an all-new batch of great tunes.
Over the course of our chat, Mosh and I talk about his latest capers, cannabis and 'little people' wrestling, Pink Floyd's crazy Billboard run,...
Jul 24, 2018
This week on No Sleep 'til Sudbury we did things a little differently - we taped the episode live from former Triumph frontman Rik Emmett's home. Yep - Rik was gracious enough to welcome me in with open arms and cold beer, and he even sang and played some guitar during our chat.
Through 70 episodes of doing this show,...
Jul 17, 2018
Back by popular demand, singer Suzi Kory returns to the studio for Episode 069 of the No Sleep 'til Sudbury podcast with a new batch of songs that make her skin vibrate.
This time around Suzi talks about sharing the mic with Steven Tyler, what her hidden agenda is in bringing in French songs, her plans to convert me...
Jul 10, 2018
Talking with this week's NSTS guest Bob Mayo was a genuine pleasure. In this episode, Bob speaks honestly and courageously about his upbringing, and I commend him for that. He brings in the songs that helped him get through the difficulties he faced during his high school days, and speaks frankly and articulately about...
Jul 1, 2018
This week I'm joined by Dr. Malcolm Galloway, a neuropathologist, musician, and actor from London, England.
I invited Malcolm on the show to expand the breadth of our consideration of music beyond the typical, in the interests of how we interpret it. In our discussion about the songs that make his skin vibrate, Malcolm...