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Jul 1, 2018

This week I'm joined by Dr. Malcolm Galloway, a neuropathologist, musician, and actor from London, England. 

I invited Malcolm on the show to expand the breadth of our consideration of music beyond the typical, in the interests of how we interpret it. In our discussion about the songs that make his skin vibrate, Malcolm intertwines the emotionality of music with the technical aspects that contribute to that emotionality, making for a very interesting conversation spanning Prog, David Gilmour's kidney disease, the criticality of musical timing, the Minimalists' impact on classical music, and ABBA.   


Galloway's playlist:

Warm Wet Circles – Marillion

Eight Lines - Steve Reich

Drowning - All About Eve

The Rite Of Spring - Igor Stravinsky

Quartet from the musical Chess

Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd